Hogan Concrete FAQs
To find out more about the different Hogan Group companies, visit these pages:
The Hogan Group based in Bangor, North Wales consists of four separate companies; Hogan Construction, Hogan Asphalt, Hogan Aggregate and Hogan Concrete. We provide a wide range of services and supply high-quality sustainable building materials to the construction and building sectors. For more detailed information on the different companies visit the specific FAQ pages.
To find out more about the different Hogan Group companies, visit these pages:
We offer a comprehensive range of services including load delivery, asphalt and macadam laying, all types of road surfacing, trade, DIY and small loads, free quotations and technical advice. Our products include ready mixed concrete, aggregates, drainage stone, gabion, quarry scalpings, yellow and red building sand and asphalt.
You can call us on 01248 353 595 or email sales@hogan-group.com
You can call us on 01248 353 595 or alternatively you can use our online quote calculator.
Call our friendly sales team on 01248 353 595 and they’ll help you with your requirements.
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